Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Avoid Bad Habits That Make a Work Injury Worse

Once you have received an injury at work, assuming that you filed for worker’s compensation, you should be in the process of getting the benefits you deserve. After you get them, you will have your medical bills completely paid, as well as receive weekly or biweekly payments that will help you sustain your income.

One thing that you should focus on particularly is your recovery. The faster you recover, the quicker you will be able to return to work and enjoy the same privileges you used to have before the injury. You will be able to continue with your normal life (hopefully) as if nothing happened in the first place.

However, there are some bad habits that may slow down your recovery process and even make your injuries worse. They are listed below, in no particular order.


There are numerous studies which showed that smoking can reduce the body’s healing effects and have a negative impact on chronic pain, increasing it over time. If you are feeling a lot of pain following your injury, you should try and quit smoking and thus give your body a chance to heal properly and become strong again.

Being Physically Inactive

Even though you may think that being still and physically inactive will help you heal, it will only lead to muscle breakdown. You will lose your body mass and your muscles will start to break down in function. In addition, you will need much more effort to complete the usual tasks. Weak muscles can lead to additional injuries and a poor body balance. As a result, you may fall down and break your leg or receive a serious back injury. Consult with best Los Angeles Workplace Injuries Attorney at JML Law to learn more about how being physically active can help you recover faster, as well as what you can do to secure your worker’s compensation benefits.

Super Active

On the other hand, being extremely active can have negative results on your recovery. Pushing yourself will exhaust your body, lower your immune system and leave you exposed to additional sicknesses and diseases. Also, your body’s regeneration will slow down, leaving you vulnerable to additional chronic injuries. Find a balance between being inactive and being super active.

Alcohol Consumption

Every doctor will tell you to stop using alcohol while recovering from an injury. Alcohol can amplify your pain, or make you feel as if it is gone, until you sober up. Getting that false sense of total recovery comes at a price, as alcohol will reduce the effect of your medication. Not only that, but in combination with certain medication and pills, it may even be lethal.

If you can, stay away from alcohol consumption until you have fully recovered.

A Workplace Injuries Attorneys in Los Angeles offer free counseling and guidance in helping you obtain and secure your worker’s compensation benefits. Contact them right after getting injured to maximize your chances of obtaining the benefits you desperately need.